Blackmore story

People love a great story. Everyone has a story to tell. Our stories are special. They connect us to one another. They unite us and they allow us to understand what all of our lives look like. We hope our story resonates with you.

We have always been out of the box thinkers, relentlessly imaginative and adventurous. We always felt that the big box brand sales systems didn’t truly represent our core beliefs nor our candid and upbeat approach to real estate. We weren’t motivated by sales awards and transactional goals and nor were our clients.  So we took a huge leap of faith and Blackmore was born.  

Our locally crafted brokerage and brand may be new but we’re anything but rookies.  We’re nurturing our adventurous dreams all while leaning in hard on our decades of  expertise to create an experience that feels less like a real estate process and more like a great conversation with someone who really “gets you”.  For us, real estate goes beyond chasing deals to the meaningful experiences and connections that help you build a life you love every single day. 

We want you to enjoy the journey as much as the destination and want to know what makes your heart beat faster, what moves you , and how we can bring your experiences to the forefront when it comes to finding the perfect home base for your next adventure. 

We believe passionately in the spirit of adventure, in travel, good friends, reducing our carbon footprint, naps, our furry friends, a really great tune, copious amounts of coffee and broadened horizons.

Every adventure starts with a solid home base™

We’d love to be part of your next adventure,
The Blackmore Team

Get In Touch

Blackmore Real Estate

Phone: 780-760-6424


Office Info

Central Office

9919 149 St  Edmonton,  AB  T5P 1K7 

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